Thursday, October 30, 2014

Defining A Company's Culture

From Conscious Capitalism

Step 1 – Our Higher Purpose


A purpose is a simple definitive statement that refers to the difference we’re trying to make in the world.   It is the amniotic fluid that nourishes the life force of the organization.  It gives great energy and relevance to a company and its brand.  Great purposes are transcendent, energizing, and inspiring for all the interdependent stakeholders. 


Everyone craves meaning and purpose in life, but few people find such fulfillment at work.  To tap this deep wellspring of human motivation, companies need to shift their emphasis from profit maximization to purpose maximization.  People are most fulfilled and happiest when their work is aligned with their own inner passions. 


When an organization communicates its purpose clearly and consistently, the organization naturally attracts people who align with its purpose.      



·       Disney:  To use our imaginations to bring happiness to millions.

·       Johnson & Johnson: To alleviate pain and suffering.

·       BMW:  To enable people to experience the joy of driving.

·       Container Store:  Help people get organized so they can be happier.

·       REI:  To reconnect people with nature.

·       Southwest Airlines:  To give people the freedom to fly.

·       Charles Schwab:  A relentless ally for the individual investor. 

·       American Red Cross:  Enabling Americans to perform extraordinary acts in the face of emergencies.

·       Ford:  Opening the highways to all mankind.


Action Steps:

·       Define our purpose statement this week and get executives to agree on one.


Step 2 – Our Mission

A mission statement is the core strategy that must be undertaken to fulfill that purpose.

Step 3 – Our Vision

A vision statement is a vivid, imaginative conception or view of how the world will look once your purpose is largely realized.
·       Example:
o   Whole Foods - Whole Foods Market's vision of a sustainable future means our children and grandchildren will be living in a world that values human creativity, diversity, and individual choice. Businesses will harness human and material resources without devaluing the integrity of the individual or the planet's ecosystems. Companies, governments, and institutions will be held accountable for their actions. People will better understand that all actions have repercussions and that planning and foresight coupled with hard work and flexibility can overcome almost any problem encountered. It will be a world that values education and a free exchange of ideas by an informed citizenry; where people are encouraged to discover, nurture, and share their life's passions.


Core Values


·       Examples:

o   Zappos:
8.     Do More With Less
10.  Be Humble
1.     We Sell the Highest Quality Natural and Organic Products Available
2.     We Satisfy, Delight and Nourish Our Customers
3.     We Support Team Member Happiness and Excellence
4.     We Create Wealth Through Profits and Growth
5.     We Serve and Support Our Local and Global Communities
6.     We Practice and Advance Environmental Stewardship
7.     We Create Ongoing Win-Win Partnerships with Our Suppliers
8.     We Promote the Health of Our Stakeholders Through Healthy Eating Education














Monday, October 6, 2014

Action Plan Review

Coordinators help to prepare before Review Meetings so that the time spent in the review high quality.  This is done by first reviewing the quality of the action plan.  After the action plan is agreed to and approved, the Coordinators help to ensure actions are progressing according to plan by double checking the deliverables are what were agreed upon.  If a deliverable is lacking per the plan, they work with the responsible parties to help guide it to a higher quality. 


High Level Plan Review by Coordination Team

·        Review the document with a fine-toothed comb on own, prepare a list of questions for the project leader/team

o   Go through each item on the Action Plan and confirm if it is intuitive and understandable by someone who has not been exposed by the project

o   Review the HLP, rate it, and provide suggestions for improvement.  Provide a service by which you improve the plan.

·        Review criteria – with fresh eyes, validate every single cell on the plan:

o   Is the plan clear and organized?

o   Are action items clearly stated and easy to understand?

o   Does each action have a corresponding deliverable?

o   Sequencing:

§  Are the steps relevant to each other

o   Naming:

§  Does each step say what the attachment/responsible party is actually doing, not what not doing

§  Does each tab’s name make sense?

§  Does each column header make sense?

§  How is the categorization/hierarchy?  Could it be improved to be more intuitive?

o   Updated dates – make sure all dates are realistic and in the future.  If in the past, confirm what is the updated expected completion date?

o   Confirm that predecessors are listed and are accurate (each row needs a reference number first)

o   Are you able to comprehend what they are asking for?  If not, have them slow down and rewrite it.

o   Completed deliverables are linked, have appropriate headers (draft, project name), etc.

o   Are priorities clear?
